Joonyoung SUH
born in 1965


1965  born in Busan, Republic of Korea (KR)
lives and works between Paris studio and Seoul

EDUCATION: B.F.A in Plastic Arts, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, KR

2006  Beijing Olympic Park City Sculpture Design-Outstanding Award (Beijing,CN)
2000  ‘Prix Culturel France-Corée’-Prize of the Best Artist 1999 (Paris, FR )

2012  Biennale d’art contemporain de Cachan (Cachan, FR)
2010  G20 Seoul Summit Celebration Exhibition for the Korean Fine Arts (Seoul, KR)
2010  20ans de la Cité des aertistes (Cachan, FR)
2008  Korea International Art Fair, COEX (Seoul, KR)
2008  Beijing International Sculpture Exhibition (Beijing, CN)
2006  Beijing Olympic Park City Sculpture Designs (Beijing, CN)
2002-8  Autobus en ville 2002~2008 Project Paris-Seoul (FR, KR)
2000  3th International Sculpture Symposium (Incheon, KR)
1999  Les Champs de la Sculpture 2000 (Paris, FR)
1998  National Museum of Contemporary Art (Gwacheon, KR)

exhibited extensively worldwide (more than 100 exhibitions)